Randino Butterino Of Dongerino

Kawaii/Dongerino (Up to the Captain)
Randy was an orphan, born into a family of Feeders. His Father was also a part time Dongerino. Randy grew up learning how to feed and his implemented those tactics into his current day strats. Also 322 Kappa ???????? raise your dongers ????????
< 10/10 best player ???????? raise your dongers ????????
10/10 for feeding
A truly exceptional player with a natural affinity for Dota 2. This accomplished player is an asset to any team, his flexibility, map awareness, raw skill and Scottish accent make for an unstoppable Celtic force. Few are born with such a talent, and even fewer get the opportunity to demonstrate it on a daily basis. Randorino is certainly one to watch and rumour has it has already turned down some high quality and dirrrrty offers. The only thing to match is massive Dota skills is his massive manhood, with that in your face opponents morale takes an all time plunge whilst he plunges their in game team into chaos. A master of the jungle pushing strat towers and jungle mobs will cower with fear, least his midas spank them. Tutored by the legendary Jersei12 in the Finnish training camp by LOLAKE he honed his abilities with a true Asian vigour. Do not mess with this man. Ezgames Ez Rares, all day erry day!
I have played with many dongerinos, but not many can copy pasterino as good as this one.
This guy is a good feeder
10/10 would fuck a cat again
Danug 5/25/14 2:52PM EDT

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