Mr. Fahrenheit

Hello , I would love to have a chace to play with you. If you are looking for an offlaner that is solid I am very confident I can be the one
Can we push back the official start time to 9:30 est thursday to accommodate a player getting back?
Hey can you add me on steam or something for our game on Thursday? Jmlv on steam as well.
jmlv 10/9/18 5:15PM EDT
Hey, can we please reschedule our match
Hey noticed that you guys were missing a 5th member on your team please let me know if you guys are looking for a player or ever need a sub :)
Hey, I added you on steam to talk about our match Thursday hoping to reschedule.
Added you on Steam last night my dude. Hit me up so we can get this season kicked off :)
Cruci 5/12/17 10:55PM EDT
Hey bud, I'm looking for a team to join. I'm versatile in the sense that I can play a hard carry safelane or mid or even support.
If u have UTC timezone I wold like to join ur team pls

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