S30 Intermediate League Playoffs
Hover over a match to view time information, you can also click on a match to go to the page for that match. Always trust the individual match pages as the final source of information, the brackets may ocasionally be drawn wrong
- Jakir O'Neal 2
1/28/21 9:00PM EST
- Voyager Bye Week 0
- To Be Determined 2
1/28/21 9:00PM EST
- WSS.Satyrs 1
- Pure Damage 2
1/28/21 9:00PM EST
- The JuggerNUTs 1
- GRIN.Fallen 2
1/28/21 9:00PM EST
- Warrior Bye Week 0
- Jakir O'Neal
2/4/21 9:00PM EST
- To Be Determined
- Pure Damage
2/4/21 9:00PM EST
- GRIN.Fallen
- Mochi 2
1/28/21 9:00PM EST
- Monkeys on Bikes 0
- The Zachmen 2
1/28/21 9:00PM EST
- DX 1
- Pot of Vainglory 2
1/28/21 9:00PM EST
- Fellowship of The Ping.International Garbágé 1
- Voyager Bye Week
2/4/21 9:00PM EST
- Mochi
- WSS.Satyrs
2/4/21 9:00PM EST
- The JuggerNUTs
2/4/21 9:00PM EST
- The Zachmen
- Warrior Bye Week
2/4/21 9:00PM EST
- Pot of Vainglory